2012 Annual Report

Every night at CHEO, 100 or so children and youth, many with a parent at their side, settle in for a night of sleep that is hopefully filled with sweet dreams; dreams that act as a reprieve from whatever medical challenges have them spending days at CHEO, instead of being at home or school. Their parents all have a common dream… and it is a simple one. They dream that their child will soon be healthy, and for a return to normal family life where their children can learn, play and grow.

In the Annual Report:

  • CHEO Foundation President and Chair message
  • CHEO President message
  • CHEO Research Institute CEO message
  • Forever CHEO
  • Statement of management’s responsibility for financial statements
  • Balance Sheet
  • Statement of Operations
  • Statement of Changes in Fund Balances
  • Statement of Cash Flows
  • Board of Directors
  • Donor Bill of Rights 

Read the annual report

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Kids these days could really use your help.