2024 Concerts in the Park Series – July 18 (Jamie McMunn & Family Tradition)

18/07/2024 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
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View location: Fitzroy Provincial Park


July 18: Jamie McMunn & Family Tradition

July 25: Ambush


TIME: 7:00PM – 8:30PM

LOCATION: Fitzroy Provincial Park (5201 Canon Smith Drive, Fitzroy Harbour, ON, K0A 1X0)

Bring your lawn chairs and come enjoy an outdoor concert! Gates open at 6:00 p.m. and admission is free, but donations for CHEO and West Carleton Disaster Relief will be collected at the entrance. A local youth group is hosting a BBQ (cash only) at 6:00 p.m. as well. All funds raised through the BBQ support CHEO.

See you there, rain or shine!

Presented by: Waste Management (WM) and Councillor Clark Kelly.

Upcoming CHEO Events

There are so many different events that happen in support of CHEO and for that we are most grateful. Please check out our special events calendar so you can join us and help make a difference. Feel free to become involved as a volunteer or organize your own event.

Kids these days could really use your help.