If you have a question that does not appear on this list please contact the Foundation directly.

What is the CHEO Foundation’s charitable registration number?

11885 2474 RR0001

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What is the Foundation’s mailing address?

CHEO Foundation
415 Smyth
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8M8

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How can I make a donation to CHEO?

You can make a donation online, by calling the Foundation at 613-737-2780 or 1-800-561-5638 or by mail (see address above).

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Will I receive a tax receipt when I make a donation?

Tax receipts are automatically issued for donations of $20 or more. When you are making your donation by mail or over the phone please provide your full name and address so we can ensure that your tax receipt is sent to the correct address. If you are donating online your tax receipt is issued electronically and is sent to the email address you provide.

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Can I request that my donation go to a particular program at CHEO?

Yes. When you donate online or by phone, please indicate which program or department will receive your gift. If you send a cheque please enclose a note stating where you would like your funds directed.

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How do I make a donation in memory of a friend or family member?

It’s easy!

Make a donation online or call the main Foundation line at 613-737-2780 and simply inform the receptionist you would like to make a donation in honour of a loved one. If you would like a card sent to the family please have their name and mailing address available to share with the Foundation. If you wish you can also inform us of your own personalized note for the card. The amount of your donation will be kept confidential.

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I would like to make a $100,000 donation to CHEO, can it be made over multiple years? 

Yes it can be pledged over multiple years up to a maximum of five years.  This type of donation helps CHEO plan ahead by knowing that sustainable funding is available for a number of years to come.

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Does the Foundation do door-to-door fundraising?

No, the CHEO Foundation DOES NOT solicit door-to-door.

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Can I hold an event to raise funds for CHEO?

Yes! Each year, hundreds of caring individuals and groups raise money for CHEO in their own creative ways by hosting their own community events. These events include everything from bake sales to golf tournaments to fashion shows. If you are ready to organize your own event, all you need is a little creativity, some careful planning and the desire to make a difference in the lives of the kids here at CHEO! Find out more.

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Are your financial statements available to the public?

Yes. If you would like a copy of the CHEO Foundation annual report please call our receptionist at (613) 737-2780 or 1-800-561-5638 or download our latest annual report.

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Can I be removed from the Foundation’s mailing list?

Yes. Please submit your request to be removed from the mailing list to [email protected]. Please include your name and address and state which mailings you no longer wish to receive: Seasonal or Telethon direct mail, Teddy Bear Times newsletter, or lottery mailers.

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Upcoming CHEO Events

There are so many different events that happen in support of CHEO and for that we are most grateful. Please check out our special events calendar so you can join us and help make a difference. Feel free to become involved as a volunteer or organize your own event.

AutoEdge Car Show

Join us for the opener of the car show season! The AutoEdge Car Show will be showcasing around 150 vehicles.…

Le Défi CN pour le CHEO

L’événement cycliste le plus important au Canada est de retour! Le Défi CN pour le CHEO est un événement amusant…