On a daily basis, children and youth in Ottawa-Gatineau and beyond actively raise funds to support patient care and research at CHEO and show just how important the hospital is to them. From organizing lemonade stands, craft and bake sales, car washes and school fundraisers to donating money collected on their birthdays, kids in our region are incredibly imaginative and generous and are proud to do their part for CHEO and its patients.
Where does the money go?
The money raised by children and youth in the community through the Kids Helping Kids initiative helps provide CHEO’s doctors, nurses and staff with the tools, equipment and programs they need to offer exceptional care to our young patients and families. Everyone at CHEO is extremely grateful for these generous contributions!
Kids Helping Kids: ★ ALL-STARS ★
The CHEO Foundation team has created a new and exciting program for young fundraisers! Kids who choose to fundraise for CHEO will now receive a personalized certificate reflecting the nature of their event and receive a STAR for every fundraiser they’ve organized! These fantastic young philanthropists will receive a SPECIAL SURPRISE with each STAR earned!
Are you looking for ways to beat the heat and stay busy this summer? Here are some ways you can raise money for the kids at CHEO and earn your next star – all while keeping everyone safe.
We know that lemonade stands and bake sales are a popular summer fundraiser for our CHEO ALL-STARS so we’ve thought of some ways you can still take lemons and make lemonade despite the pandemic restrictions.
Host a Virtual Lemonade Stand
Step 1: Create a CHEO Fundraising Page for your lemonade stand.
Step 2: Post the link to your page on your (or your parents’) social platforms or email it to family and friends – an even better idea is to include a little video of yourself making lemonade, and/or explaining why you want to raise money to help CHEO kids!
(Here are some lemonade recipes to get you started AllRecipes.com and SimplyRecipes.com.)
Step 3: Ask your family and friends to enjoy a lemonade or beverage of their choice in honour of CHEO kids and post a photo of it, tagging and encouraging others to donate to your page or create a page of their own. You could also challenge them to post their best “Lemon Face” – make sure to show them how it’s done by biting into a lemon and posting your funny face.
Step 4: Let us know when your fundraiser is over so we can mail you an All-Star thank you certificate and create a virtual “mini cheque” for you.
Step 5: Share your mini cheque with your donors so they know how much you raised for CHEO kids, and don’t forget to thank them for their support.
Other Virtual Fundraiser Ideas:
Not into lemonade? When hosting a virtual event, the only limit is your imagination! You can customize your CHEO Fundraising Page however you like, to make it fit with any fundraising ideas you want to explore. Here are some examples to get you started:
- Do the same steps as above but use your favourite food – host a cupcake, cookie or candy virtual sale!
- Host a chore-a-thon or a read-a-thon – offer to do chores around the house or read a great book for every donation you receive.
- Host a socially distanced movie night in your backyard with those in your bubble, or a virtual watch party.
- Virtual event – What are your talents? Organize a virtual fashion, dance, or talent show, or even a cooking or aerobics class.
- Bingo – Looking for a simple Facebook or Instagram fundraiser? Our bingo boards (download below) are for you. Share a board with your potential donors, collect donations, and tag your donors online to say thank you.
- Do you enjoy video games? Turn your hobby into a fundraiser. Sign up for an Extra Life gaming fundraiser https://www.extra-life.org/.
We hope these ideas will help you stay busy while staying at home! By making a donation to CHEO, you’re helping the kids and youth at CHEO live their best life. You are a true CHEO ALL-STAR!
Bingo Cards:
Virtual bake sale: Help me sell these yummy baked goods while they’re still fresh! I will tag each person who donates. Be a #Hero4CHEO today!
Virtual chocolate bar sale: Help me sell this entire case of yummy chocolate bars. I will tag each person who donates $5.
Virtual ice cream sale: Help me sell these ice cream treats before they melt.
Teddy bear bingo: Help me fill the entire card.
Virtual lemonade stand: Help me sell this entire pitcher of refreshing virtual lemonade.