Santa Scoot 2021

13/11/2021 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Map Unavailable

The Vespa Club of Ottawa and the Ottawa Valley Scooter Club, are organizing its third annual “Santa Scoot” through Downtown Ottawa. Riders will be decorating their scooters and dressing up in seasonal outfits on Saturday, November 13, 2021. Keep an eye out for us! Funds raised through donations will support CHEO.

To make a donation please click HERE

Upcoming CHEO Events

There are so many different events that happen in support of CHEO and for that we are most grateful. Please check out our special events calendar so you can join us and help make a difference. Feel free to become involved as a volunteer or organize your own event.

Le Défi CN pour le CHEO

L’événement cycliste le plus important au Canada est de retour! Le Défi CN pour le CHEO est un événement amusant…